Sunday, May 25, 2008

This is a weblog

It is for saying Hello

To the authors and readership of



Some things to know
Within this weblog I have worked to post
A few parts of my writing
Not yet found full belonging
Yet essential at core be
Their gender politicking

The posts thus following
Named here from latest made
To first before the last in sequence displayed
There are poems
Not likely too good but
For you to believe
Except as not normally seen

One to define
Gender relationships mine
And a poem for the Mythos of this
The harder to achieve
Might you read
Yet not need to believe

But then my second prose attempt
To introduce the whole content
In which its evidence is named
Then is the first attempt
To define why this log on the web is
Become rather larger than
I had first intended
But tells the story which
The longest of all of these posts
Will undoubtedly stimulate
A need to find out of
Before falling into the depths from
Too much curiosity in my fate
For in these words wake
Have I never not belonged

And long
While not knowing if you will
Neither want to or need
Knowledge that saltbush in supermarkets
Fulfils religious prophesy’s signage
About the end of the world
Capitalism causes through money
Yet there are those many who believe of not funny
But please read yet
All else I write
Because this song is of the real human plight
That no life at Earth
Will escape of the might
For ever will every child’s right
To live a happier life
Than having motherhood denied
And father’s raped blind
Will the children who learned of
Prove the will to make
The Earth permanently safe

So let it be part of
Your own voiced sorry
Making recompense for the generations
Of Aborigines made wards of the state
That you may just awake
To what buffers you can shake
Yourself out of your own
Strangers comfort zone
And look into the face
Of the real evidence mate
Of the long term repercussions
Of invasion of country
For ever by knowing
The real story below is
Able be tempered for you
Within my own stories the buffer
Of real advocacy through
That may you one day too
Begin to relieve
The conditions imposed wrong upon
Aboriginal men’s love long
For women and country
Fathers and lovers
Never was there greater love known to me
Than that of the buffer they have made me through my story
Of what you may not before have realised
The real evidence is of all deeds
Is why I am asking you read
To decide
For yourselves
What is the truth wise

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